A webinar was held by Dr. Ravaghi, WHO advisor
A webinar entitled; “Health Systems and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Lessons Learnt and Paradigm Shift” was held by Dr. Ravaghi, WHO advisor at the School of Health Management and Information sciences from 11:00-12:00 A.M. In this webinar, Dr. Ravaghi talked about issues, such as Health System Conceptual Framework and Resiliency of Health Systems and answered the questions raised by the faculty members and PhD students. The participants consisted of faculty members, Dr. Vatankhah, Dr. Sadoughi, Dr. Bagherzadeh, Dr. Aryan, Dr. Ahmadi, Dr. Sayfouri, Dr. Ebrahimi, Dr. Nemati. Dr. Moslehi, and Dr. Hamidi. Moreover, 59 PhD students virtually attended the webinar.